Types of rattan in Indonesia

There are eight types of rattan in Indonesia, namely, calamus, khortalsia, daemonorops, plectocomia, ceratolobus, plectocomiopsis, calospatha and myrialepis. There are 8 types of rattan consisting of approximately 306 species in Indonesia which have been identified and spread. Of the total that have been identified, approximately 50 species have been collected, Read more…

Cirebon Mask Dance

Cirebon mask dance is one of the Dancing in the Cirebon sultanate region. Cirebon Mask Dance, this workmanship is the first craft of the Cirebon region, including Subang, Indramayu, Jatibarang, Majalengka, Losari, and Brebes. It is known as a mask dance in light of the fact that the artists wear Read more…